The third annual ELG conference


Using the European Language Grid

Virtual ZOOM conference (hosted from Berlin, Germany)

Berlin Skyline
© Adobe Stock - Katja Xenikis

15 November 2021 – META-FORUM 2021 Day 1

Session 1: Opening - Video
9:00 Welcome – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany; Coordinator ELG and General Secretary of META-NET) - Slides - Video
9:07 Introduction – Jan Hajič (Charles University, Czech Republic; Chair of the META-NET Executive Board) - Slides - Video
9:15 Opening Keynote – Philippe Gelin (European Commission, DG CONNECT, Luxembourg) - Slides - Video
European Language Grid – Current stay of play
9:45 General Overview – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides - Video
10:00 Technology Platform – Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Slides - Video
10:15 Tools, Services and Resources – Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK) - Slides - Video
10:30 Virtual Coffee Break
Session 2: ELG Pilot Projects - Video
10:45 Presentation of project results: Overview – Lukáš Kačena (Charles University, Czech Republic) - Slides - Video
10:55 Lingsoft Solutions as Distributable Containers – Michael Stormbom (Lingsoft, Inc., Finland) - Slides - Video
11:05 Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text – Dagmar Gromann (University of Vienna, Austria) - Slides - Video
11:15 CEFR Labelling and Assessment Services – Mark Breuker (EDIA BV, Netherlands) - Slides - Video
11:25 Basque-speaking smart speaker – Igor Leturia (Elhuyar Fundazioa, Spain) - Slides - Video
11:35 Sign Language explanations for terms in a text – Helmut Ludwar (Sign Time GmbH, Austria) - Slides - Video
11:45 Discussion
12:00 Project Expo
The project expo of META-FORUM hosts 36 projects that are supported by the European Union or by national funding agencies and operate in the field of language technology. The expo takes place virtually in Gather Town, where every project is presented at its own booth. For further information, please click here.
13:30 End of META-FORUM 2021 Day 1

16 November 2021 – META-FORUM 2021 Day 2

Session 3: European language technology industry - Video
09:00 Presentations by industry representatives – Chair: Gerhard Backfried (HENSOLDT Analytics GmbH, Austria) - Slides
Jochen Hummel (Coreon GmbH, Germany) - Slides - Video
Arantza Del Pozo (Vicomtech, Spain) - Slides - Video
Brigitte Lutz (City of Vienna, Austria) - Slides - Video
Svetla Boytcheva (Ontotext, Bulgaria) - Slides - Video
10:15 Virtual Coffee Break
Session 4: Language-centric AI in Europe - Video
10:30 Introduction – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)
European Language Technology projects
10:35 Live speech-to-text and MT tool for 24 languages – Marcin Feder (DG TRAD at European Parliament, Belgium) - Slides - Video
10:45 SPEAKER – Johannes Fischer (Fraunhofer IIS, Germany) - Slides - Video
10:55 NFDI4DataScience – Sonja Schimmler (Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany) - Video
11:05 EBU: A European Perspective – Justyna Kurczabinska, Sébastien Noir (European Broadcasting Union, Switzerland) - Slides - Video
11:15 WeVerify – Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK) - Slides - Video
11:25 CLAIRE – Holger Hoos (University of Leiden, Netherlands) - Slides - Video
11:35 Panel discussion
12:00 End of META-FORUM 2021 Day 2

17 November 2021 – META-FORUM 2021 Day 3

Session 5: European Language Equality - Video
09:00 Overview of ELE project – Andy Way (Dublin City University, Ireland, Coordinator ELE) & Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany, Co-coordinator ELE) - Slides - Video
First results of the ELE project:
09:15 An Overview of Strategic LT/AI Documents in Europe – German Rigau (University of the Basque Country, Spain) - Slides - Video
09:30 Defining Digital Language Equality – Federico Gaspari (Dublin City University, Ireland) - Slides - Video
09:45 Collection of LRTs in 30+ European countries and production of 30+ Language Reports – Maria Giagkou (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Slides - Video
10:00 European LT Developers Survey – Maria Giagkou (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Slides - Video
10:10 European LT Users Survey – Natalia Resende (Dublin City University, Ireland) - Slides - Video
10:20 Discussion
Session 6: Closing Session
10:30 Recap and closing remarks Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)) - Slides
10:45 End of conference / Virtual Coffee break
Session 7: Training Session - Video
Workshop for interested LT & NLP developers who want to integrate services or language resources in ELG
11:00 Getting familiar with the ELG catalogue – Penny Labropoulou (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Video
11:10 Integrating services into ELG: what you need to know – Dimitris Galanis (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Slides - Video
11:30 Preparing python-based services for the integration – Rémi Calizzano (DFKI, Germany) - Video
11:50 Registering services in the ELG platform – Ian Roberts (University of Sheffield, UK) - Slides - Video
12:05 Using ELG services – Rémi Calizzano (DFKI, Germany) - Video
12:15 Sharing datasets & models through ELG – Penny Labropoulou (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece) - Slides - Video
12:25 Discussion & questions – ELG Technical Team
12:30 End of workshop and of META-FORUM 2021 Day 3