The first annual ELG conference


Introducing the European Language Grid

Brussels, Belgium

Atomium Brussels

08 October 2019 – META-FORUM 2019 Day 1

08:00 Doors open - Registration
Opening Session
09:00 Welcome and Introduction – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
09:15 Welcome Address – Jan Hajič (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; Chair of META-NET Executive Board) - Slides
09:30 Opening Address – Jill Evans (Member of the European Parliament)
09:45 European Language Grid: An Overview – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
10:05 Expo and Coffee Break
10:45 Opening Keynote: Gail Kent (Director of Directorate G “Data”, DG Connect, European Commission)
Session 1: Introducing the European Language Grid
11:15 Deep Dive 1 – ELG Community: Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany), Katrin Marheinecke (DFKI, Germany), Katja Prinz (SAIL LABS, Austria) 01-01-ELG-Deep-Dive-1-Community - Slides
11:35 Deep Dive 2 – ELG Platform: Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Greece), Andrejs Vasiljevs (Tilde, Latvia), Florian Kintzel (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
11:55 Deep Dive 3 – ELG Content: Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK), Ian Roberts (University of Sheffield, UK), Khalid Choukri (ELDA, France) - Slides
12:15 First Public Demonstration of ELG: Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany), Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Greece), Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK) - video of the current ELG prototype
12:30 Announcing the ELG Open Calls: Jan Hajič (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) - Slides
12:45 Discussion
13:00 Expo and Lunch Break
Invited Keynote Chair and moderator: Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)
14:00 Nancy Ide (Vassar College, USA): “Towards a Global Language Grid – Challenges and Opportunities” - cancelled
Session 2: Current EU Language Technology Research Projects Chair and moderator: José Manuel Gómez Pérez (Expert System, Spain)
14:45 ELITR: Barry Haddow (University of Edinburgh, UK) - Slides
14:52 COMPRISE: Emmanuel Vincent (Inria, France) - Slides
14:59 Bergamot: Uli Germann (University of Edinburgh, UK) - Slides
15:06 EMBEDDIA: Matthew Purver (University of London, UK) - Slides
15:13 Gourmet: Barry Haddow (University of Edinburgh, UK) - Slides
15:20 Prêt-à-LLOD: John McCrae (Insight Centre, Ireland) - Slides
15:30 Expo and Coffee Break
16:15 Session 3: Discussion Panel – Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence – Collaborations and Prospects Chair and moderator: Jan Hajič (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic – META-NET and European Language Grid)
  • AI4EU: Patrick Gatellier (Thales, France)
  • BDV: Laure Le Bars (SAP, Germany)
  • CLAIRE: Morten Irgens (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
  • HumanE AI: Paul Lukowicz (DFKI, Germany)
Session 4: Language Technology and Digital Public Services – CEF Automated Translation and INEA Projects Chair and moderator: Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Greece)
17:15 Overview of CEF AT and INEA Projects - Philippe Gelin (European Commission) - Slides
17:25 Project: CEF INEA NEC-TM Data – Manuel Herranz (Pangeanic, Spain) - Slides
17:35 Project: CEF INEA Neural Translation for the EU – Maite Melero (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain) - Slides
17:45 ELRC Country Profiles - Lilli Smal (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
17:55 Discussion
18:05 End of META-FORUM 2019 Day 1

09 October 2019 – META-FORUM 2019 Day 2

08:00 Doors open - Registration
09:00 Session 5: News from the Language Communities and selected ELG National Competence Centres (NCCs) Chair and moderator: Andrejs Vasiljevs (Tilde, Latvia)
  • NCC Slovenia: Simon Krek (Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana) - Slides
  • NCC Denmark: Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) - Slides
  • NCC Finland: Krister Linden (University of Helsinki) - Slides
  • NCC Iceland: Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies) - Slides
  • Davyth Hicks (European Language Equality Network, ELEN) - Slides
10:15 Expo and Coffee Break
Session 6: ELG and the European LT Industry Chair and moderator: Gerhard Backfried (Sail Labs, Austria) - Slides
10:45 CEF LT Market Study: Luc Meertens (Crosslang, Belgium) - Slides
The European Language Grid as the Primary Marketplace for European LT – with contributions from the ELG consortium partners from industry:
  • SAIL LABS (Austria): Katja Prinz, Gerhard Backfried, Christoph Prinz - Slides
  • Tilde (Latvia): Andrejs Vasiljevs - Slides
  • Expert System (Spain): José Manuel Gómez Pérez, Andrés Garcia Silva - Slides
European LT Developers and LT Users: Demands and Ideas – with contributions from:
  • K Dictionaries (Israel) - Ilan Kernerman - Slides
  • 3pc (Germany) – Armin Berger - Slides
  • SDL (UK) – George Bara
  • Linagora (France) – Jean-Pierre Lorré - Slides
  • Kairntech (France) – Stefan Geißler - Slides
12:10 Discussion
12:30 Expo and Lunch Break
Session 7: Selected relevant EU projects Chair and moderator: Khalid Choukri (ELDA, France)
13:30 WeVerify: Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK) - Slides
13:40 Elexis: Simon Krek (Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia) - Slides
13:50 Memad: Dieter Van Rijsselbergen (Limecraft, Belgium) - Slides
14:00 Lynx: Elena Montiel (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) - Slides
14:10 Fandango: Francesco Saverio Nucci (Engineering, Italy) - Slides
Session 8: Sustainability of the ICT-29 Projects Chair and moderator: Georg Rehm (DFKI)
14:20 Overview of the Sustainability Plans of the ICT-29b) Projects: John McCrae (Insight Centre, Ireland) - Slides
14:30 European Language Grid – Towards a Legal Entity: Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
14:45 Discussion
15:00 Expo and Coffee Break
Invited Keynote Chair and moderator: Ulrich Germann (University of Edinburgh, UK)
15:45 Maxim Khalilov (Unbabel, Portugal): “Unbabel – AI-Powered Translation Solutions for Multilingual Europe”
Award Ceremony – META Seal of Recognition, META Prize Chair and moderator: Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
2019 Winners of the META Seal of Recognition
Mozilla - for their initiative to integrate Machine Translation into the browser - Slides - for their highly efficient and popular spaCy software - Slides
2019 Winner of the Honorary META Prize
Algirdas Saudargas – for his continued support of Multilingual Europe and the META-NET initiative
2019 Winner of the META Prize
Jill Evans – for her supportive work regarding the European Parliament report “Language equality in the digital age”, published in 2018
Closing Session
17:15 Closing Remarks – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) - Slides
17:30 End of META-FORUM 2019