About the European Language Grid

European LT business is dominated by thousands of SMEs and a few large players. Many are world-class, with technologies that outperform those of the global players.

However, European LT business is also fragmented – by nation states, languages and sectors. This is why the European Language Technology landscape and community has not been able to reach its full potential yet. We will address this challenge by establishing the ELG as the primary platform for Language Technology in Europe.

The Grid

A scalable cloud platform

The ELG will develop and deploy a scalable cloud platform, providing, in an easy-to-integrate way, access to hundreds of commercial and non-commercial Language Technologies for all European languages, including running tools and services as well as data sets and resources.

Learn more about grid


Meet our partners

The project is rooted in the experience of a consortium with partners involved in all relevant initiatives.

Our partners

Open calls

Pilot projects wanted

Through open calls, up to 20 pilot projects will be financially supported to demonstrate the usefulness of the European Language Grid as a platform and also as a European project and initiative.

Browse open calls


Thriving opportunities

The European Language Grid will boost the Multilingual Digital Single Market towards a thriving European Language Technology community, creating new jobs, new markets and new opportunities.

Join the community

Competence centers

Pan-European coordination

32 National Competence Centres and the European Language Technology Board will be set up for European coordination.

National competence centres

Contact us

Questions? We're happy to help

The ELG will develop and deploy a scalable cloud platform, providing, in an easy-to-integrate way, access to hundreds of commercial and non-commercial Language Technologies for all European languages, including running tools and services as well as data sets and resources.

Contact us

The European Language Grid will foster Language Technologies for Europe built in Europe, tailored to our languages and cultures and to our societal and economical demands, benefitting the European citizen, society, innovation and industry.